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God: The Spiritual Key

Welcome to the real world. We are talking to you the Being of Light behind the body/mind. This is an opportunity to escape the field of dreams of Maya or Matrix that have been holding your perception bound to limited parameters of experience. The world of mankind is an illusion, as a web of Lies that exists through a web of consciousness that interconnects all human minds.


The reality is escaping in the present moment as we forgot our true inheritance to perceive Reality as it is. There are a few beings like Jesus, Buddha, Moses that have traversed the sea of illusion to find out that truth has been staring at them the whole time. Some of their teachings have endured the passage of the centuries in hope to awaken humanity to true perception. Many religions have sprung from their teachings, but the essence and truth of their message have being lost in the need for control, thirst for power and the limited perception in which humanity is held bound together. So, is time for you the Real Being witnessing through the physical eyes this letters to open your spiritual eyes to see and understand beyond words what these great beings have been trying to teach from their experiences with God.  Yet, God can not be perceived by a mind full of lies. Truth has to be experienced in order to be always Awake and live a direct relationship with God. 


You can find your Truth in the Present Moment. Freedom is just in front of your eyes if you are willing to see beyond dogma, beliefs, ideas and culture. We have the right as a whole to find boundless happiness, love, freedom and truth under God. Innocence contains the immaculate blueprint of the universe. If we are to regain that state of purity we most get together and remove the dust from our eyes that are blinding us. Aren’t we the same being that once was a pure and innocent baby? If so, what is keeping us from that infinite awareness of unbounded freedom given by God to all? That what have been added we must remove and that what we truly are, most be understood and Realised. 

Then we can begin to regain our innocence and humble in the recognition that "God is Real". In that Absolute Field of Awareness that connect us all, there is a define Presence, a Living Being, an Almighty all Loving Being that is waiting for us to reconnect with Him. God is Love and He has a Divine Body, Mind and Emotions so we can relate to Him in a true loving relationship. Are you ready to begin your Journey to the ultimate destination?





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